A Critical View to Educational Technologies in the Context of Social Inequalities

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social inequality, equal opportunity in education, educational technologies, teachers’ views, phenomenology


Equality of opportunity in education refers to the right of students to access compulsory education and to have equal opportunities in the process of education. In addition to offering many solutions to ensure equality of opportunity in education, there are also many obstacles. As a matter of fact, educational technologies are considered as an option in terms of having an effect on individuals having equal opportunities in the education process. Educational technologies can be seen as a solution to existing inequalities in order to provide equality of opportunity in education. From this point of view, in this study, it is aimed to determine the thoughts on the use of educational technologies in the education-teaching process in the context of social inequalities. In the study, the qualitative research design of phenomenology was used and ten teachers working in different branches in private and public schools were interviewed. Semi-structured interview technique was used as the data collection method and the interviews were conducted online with the teachers. Deductive analysis method was used to analyze the data. In the study, first of all, literature review was made in the context of social inequalities and themes were determined within the framework of the literature. The themes revealed were discussed as gender, socioeconomic level, parental education level, technology use proficiency of teachers and students with special needs. Within the scope of the themes obtained, teachers’ opinions and suggestions regarding the impact of educational technologies within the framework of the concept of equality of opportunity in education were included.

Author Biography

Cem Çuhadar, 2 Trakya University, Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, Edirne, Türkiye

Departmant of Computer Education and Instructional Technology




How to Cite

Akgün, F., Çuhadar, C., & Ozan Deniz, Şenay. (2023). A Critical View to Educational Technologies in the Context of Social Inequalities. Qualitative Inquiry in Education: Theory & Practice, 1(1), 3–28. https://doi.org/10.59455/qietp.1



Research Article