Educational Science Traditions and Qualitative Research

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educational science, educational studies, qualitative research, Anglo-American tradition, Continental European tradition, educational theory, teacher education, curriculum studies


The purpose of this conceptual paper is to analyze the two main education science traditions, Anglo-American and Continental European, in relation to their interaction with qualitative research. After these two traditions are described, construction and use of theory in research is problematized through the perspectives in these traditions, and qualitative research is positioned in the priorities and knowledge claims they offer. In addition, the use of qualitative research in various areas of educational science such as teacher education, teaching and learning, curriculum studies is analyzed through the diverse educational science orientations. Finally, the case of Turkish educational science tradition is discussed in terms of subfields and research priorities promoted.


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How to Cite

Yıldırım, A. (2023). Educational Science Traditions and Qualitative Research. Qualitative Inquiry in Education: Theory & Practice, 1(1), 99–117.



Review Article